Two-Year-Old Class
Tomorrow's Promise two-year-old class works on social skills and emotional skills.
So we make sure that we provide activities that:
We work on using our words when we want something or need to share.
We work on learning about our feelings and we talk about how God created us and made our world.
We work on potty training issues and manners.
We begin to talk about colors, shapes, and things in our world.
When you look in our room you will see us playing in centers by playing in centers we are role modeling those things in our world and learning important skills such as cooperation and how to take turns.
We do messy activities such as shaving cream, playing at the water table, finger painting, painting at the easel, and using play dough.
All these messy activities help them to learn new vocabulary as well as develop their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination skills.
Chapel and Bible stories