Kindergarten Prep Four-Year-Olds

Our four-year-old rooms are buzzing with busy learning.
They are beginning to discover the world around them and how they fit in.
We talk about how they are GOD's children and learn Bible stories and how we can live GOD's way.
They are like sponges in this class and they pick up so much during this year so we make sure to provide activities in our centers that:

  • building our social skills

  • learning to cooperate in group games

  • practicing self-help skills

  • learning how to follow two-step directions

  • we are using one-to-one correspondence

  • understanding that language is powerful and useful

  • discover that we can find out new information through books

  • developing the basic concepts of print

  • learn that we can make choices and a plan

  • be independent

  • we are busy cutting, gluing, pasting, using markers, painting

  • we are learning to "write" our own stories

  • read and act out bible stories, learn bible verses, and go to Chapel

  • We follow the Texas Guidelines that are recommended for Pre-K children so that the children will be more than ready for their Kindergarten year.